5 Spring Flowers That Could Be Harmful to Your Dog

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Spring is a time for blooming flowers and warmer weather (hopefully!) and it's not just humans who enjoy the season. Our furry friends can also relish in the sunshine and fresh air, but it's important to be aware of potential hazards. 

In this blog, we'll explore five spring flowers that may be harmful to your dog. We'll discuss the dangers they pose, the symptoms of ingestion, and most importantly, how to keep your pet safe. So let's dive in and make sure our pups can fully enjoy the season with us.


Daffodils, with their striking yellow blooms, are a common sight in gardens and parks at springtime. 

However all parts of the daffodil plant contain the toxic chemical lycorine. If eaten it can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and even cardiac problems if ingested in large quantities. 

It’s not just the plant itself that you need to be careful of, if your dog drinks the water a daffodil has been kept in, it’s advised to seek veterinary advice immediately.


Tulips are another common spring flower that may pose a danger to your dog. They contain a toxin called Tuliposide A, that can cause intense gastrointestinal irritation, drooling, loss of appetite and depression. 

Although the toxin is present in the entire plant, the greatest concentration can be found in the bulb.


Lilies are a beautiful plant that can be found in many gardens and floral arrangements during the spring season. However, the flowers, leaves and even the water in their vase can be toxic to pets.

If you have a cat, it's worth noting that lilies are even more toxic to felines than canines. So, if you plan on bringing these flowers into your home, make sure to keep them in a location that is inaccessible to your pets.


Hyacinths are another popular springtime flower that can be harmful to your pet's health. These beautiful flowers contain toxic calcium oxalate crystals, which, due to their needle-like shape, can pierce your dog’s mouth and intestines causing pain. 

This generally means that dogs stop eating the plant before a toxic amount can be consumed, however the swelling from the crystals can cause intestinal problems and also affect your dog’s breathing if they get into the airways.

This is why it is also important to keep your dog away from the bulbs before they are planted, to prevent them from inhaling the dust surrounding the bulbs.


There are two types of crocuses, both of which are toxic to dogs, however one is more troublesome than the other.Crocuses typically found at springtime (Crocus species) can cause gastrointestinal problems if ingested, including drooling, vomiting and diarrhoea. 

The Autumn Crocus, also known as Meadow Saffron, can cause similar gastrointestinal issues but also more severe symptoms such as kidney & liver damage, respiratory problems and seizures.

Keeping your dog safe

To protect your dog indoors, ensure that any bulbs or cut flowers in vases are out of your dog’s reach. Don’t allow your dog access to any unplanted bulbs either.

When in the garden, supervise your dog in areas where bulbs have been planted. If possible, it’s preferable to remove all bulbs from accessible flower beds so that your dog has a safe outdoor space to go to. 

When out on a walk be mindful of walking in areas where Spring flowers are growing. If your dog enjoys a nibble on a plant you need to be extra cautious. Keep your dog on a lead to restrict their access, or alternatively it may be best to avoid these areas altogether. 

What to do if you suspect your dog has been poisoned

If you suspect your dog has been poisoned by ingesting any part of the plants or drunk from the water they are kept in, contact your vet immediately. Don’t wait for symptoms to appear as your dog has a greater chance of recovery the faster your vet is able to begin treatment.

To help your vet treat your dog you may also want to keep a note of:
  • What you think your dog has eaten or drunk
  • When they ate or drank it
  • How much they ingested
  • Any symptoms they have shown

By being mindful of the potential dangers of spring flowers and taking the necessary precautions, you can keep your furry friend safe and enjoy the season's blooms at the same time.
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